Workplace Wellbeing options are only half of the solution - here's the other half:

life begins from the inside out wellbeing

‘When an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by an inside force, life begins’

As Wellbeing / Mental Health conversations continue to become louder, and organisations devote more time and resources to creating strategies, plans and choices to improve the wellbeing of their employees, maybe you’re already considering this question:

Q. What effect is the vast array of options and the pressure to ‘Be Well’ having on employees?

After many years searching for the most transformational learning & development solutions, and helping people to live their best life and do their best work, I’ve come to realise that more options does not always result in greater wellbeing.

As we drive along the road of life, admiring the scenery or avoiding the dangers, having more exits and signposts promising health and happiness does not mean we will take one. And if employees do decide to pull off onto an exit marked ‘Wellbeing & Fulfilment’, there is surely no guarantee they will enjoy the advertised benefits upon arrival.

Here’s my point:

True Wellbeing & Fulfilment comes from looking under the bonnet of the car first - AND THEN choosing the right turning.

Aristotle knew this: ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’


That’s what the challenge of mid-life brings - an opportunity for self-appraisal. The chance to look under the bonnet and consider deeper questions - who am I, what needs to change, where have I come from and where will I go.

And so the noise of Workplace Wellbeing options makes me wonder, for all of the good that may come, whether a vast array of strategies, options, plans and advice may add more external pressure and stress. Especially within organisations whose underlying cultures still drive employees for greater profit, at the sacrifice of personal time and health (there is a lot of counterfeit Wellbeing out there - same toxic culture now with added gym discount and your personal MHFA!)

I believe that organisations should also be providing the tools and techniques for employees to find Wellbeing & Fulfilment by looking under their bonnet, by figuring themselves out, by becoming able to self-validate rather than relying on external validation (e.g. ‘Likes’).

Organisations may be inadvertently applying more external pressure on the egg, from the outside in, and failing employees by not providing the skills and insight for people to break their own shell from the inside out.

To get you started, here are 3 simple ways to begin the journey of self-discovery from the inside out:

1) Be Curious - consider why I behave the way I do - what are the templates I have that trigger me to behave in certain ways

2) Choose Don’t React - we all have the option to choose more effective ways of behaving and living. The next time you’re about to get frustrated with someone (again) consider a more effective response

3) Always Be Kind - to others, yes, but most importantly to ONESELF. There’s no good or bad, right or wrong. Welcome all thoughts and feelings to the party you call ‘My Life’, enabling the process of accept, learn, grow.

These 3 topics, plus many more, are explored during our ‘Leading & Living With Heart’ workshops. Transformational ‘Character Development’ experiences designed to safely and meaningfully help people to look under their bonnet and work on the engine first, before being bewildered by a wealth of Wellbeing options

If your organisation has been merrily building Wellbeing options and plans, and has not yet considered how to help employees to find wellbeing and fulfilment from the inside out, please get in touch.

Here at and we use the transformational Heartstyles character development model and 1-2-1 personal coaching to help people live their best life and do their best work. Check out the websites above to learn how Heartstyles is so transformational.

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